

Food Innovation Academy
Industrieweg 14
3133 EE Vlaardingen
The Netherlands

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About Food Innovation Academy

New in 2021
Their dream started almost five years ago: the arrival of the Food Innovation Academy (FIA). The place where companies from the food industry meet and inspire each other. A unique network location, where business is done and knowledge is shared. But also a training and practical place where young people are triggered to choose a career in the food sector. And where MBO and HBO students do research together for companies. The gap between food theory and practice is closed, the image is improved and career prospects are provided. What a perspective that is!

Training and inspiration
Learning by working and learning while working is the hallmark of the Food Innovation Academy. The close cooperation with the participating companies ensures that students can gain real practical experience, also outside the internships. The courses in the food industry train for a career in food technology. And the employment is enormous. All member companies are happy to offer graduate students a job. There is a wide range of training and courses that you can follow at the Food Innovation Academy!

Food Innovation Academy: unique meeting point for the food sector
State-of-the-art! This is how you can describe the building in which the Food Innovation Academy is located. The former municipal office on Industrieweg in Vlaardingen has been completely renovated. FIA is the showcase for the food sector and a unique meeting place for food companies, industry organizations, education, government and other organizations. Food students follow practical education and conduct research in an inspiring environment with all facilities. Companies train their staff or organize events and meetings there.

Kabelweg 57
1014 BA Amsterdam

(31) 020 - 58 10 710