The next 25 years! Challenges for sensory market research.

Based on 25 years of experience in sensory and consumer research a practical look into future of sensory and market research will be given. Many challenges lie ahead in developing foods that fit into a healthy eating pattern, and/or that contribute to sustainability of the food system and that in the end will be liked by many. 

Stefan Peters

Wim Vaessen

Sensory & Consumer Science specialist | Essensor

Wim collaborates for 25+ years with large leading companies to practically solve flavor, taste and texture issues and discover new opportunities.
Currently his attention focusses on two big challenges for the food industry: health and sustainability. These challenges involve the development of new products, their consumer acceptance and changing eating habits towards new foods.
Wim also is closely involved in educating young professionals in sensory techniques. Within Essensor and also within the MOA courses “Proeven van Succes”.

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