Emerging digital techniques in sensory research

Recent developments have introduced new technologies such as virtual reality, voice-to-text and artificial intelligence in sensory research. At our research center we are constantly monitoring which devices, techniques and methods become available to a wider audience. Using a method of prototyping we are exploring what these new technologies can bring us, how they can improve sensory and consumer research and lead to better products. We explore how new technologies can be applied and which ones are here to stay. We will explain what we have learned from previous studies and look forward to what the future can bring us.

Sandra Beekhuizen

Sandra Beekhuizen

Manager Support and Consultancy | EyeQuestion Software (Logic8 BV)

Sandra Beekhuizen has been working at EyeQuestion Software for over 10 years. EyeQuestion Software develops web based applications for sensory and consumer research, that is used by hundreds of leading organisations globally to improve and maintain the quality of their products. Currently Sandra is leading a team of sensory experts who help our clients get the most out of our software and take their research to a next level.

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