Shifting to more healthy and sustainable diets – Ecosystem innovation at Unilever

Unilever has a long track-record of ecosystem (open) innovation with external parties like suppliers, startups and academics to stay relevant in an increasingly competitive and global world. In this presentation, we will present examples of sensory and consumer research studies which were performed within an ecosystem innovation context to understand how we can help people transition towards healthier and more sustainable diets. We will also share trends, challenges and approaches that we look into and apply, to help the world eat for good through our products.

Liesbeth Zandstra

Liesbeth Zandstra

Liesbeth Zandstra is Science Leader at Unilever Foods Innovation Centre Wageningen and part-time professor Food Reward and Behaviour at Wageningen University. Her research focuses on scientific challenges to find new ways to make the healthy and sustainable choice the preferred choice. She is particularly interested in psychophysiological and behavioral effects of foods as well as new methodologies for better understanding sensory perception and consumer behavior.

Suzanne Einother

Suzanne Einöther

Global Foods CTI Manager | Unilever Foods Innovation Centre

Suzanne Einöther is Consumer Technical Insight (CTI) Manager at Unilever Foods Innovation Centre Wageningen. She responsible for leveraging insights from consumer product research for great product design, for well-known brands such as Knorr and The Vegetarian Butcher. She has a specific interest in plant-based foods and holistic product experiences.

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